ALEXA 35 License Options >>

Arri Licenses » ALEXA 35 License Options
  • Multicam License Key for ALEXA 35

    To use an ALEXA 35 in a multicam production without a Fiber Camera Adapter (for instance for ARTEMIS, TRINITY or Spidercam) or with a Fiber Camera Adapter from a third party, a Multicam license is needed.

    The Multicam license includes live painting, multicam looks, multicam textures and remote tally control.

    The Multicam License requires ALEXA 35 SUP 2.0.0 or later.

  • Cine License Key for ALEXA 35

    The Cine license brings ALEXA 35 Live cameras up to the full feature set of an ALEXA 35.

    The Cine license includes Camera speeds up to 120 fps, ARRIRAW Recording, All Open Gate-Width and Anamorphic Recording Formats, In-Camera Anamorphic De-squeeze, and Pre-recording.

    The Cine License requires ALEXA 35 SUP 2.0.0 or later.